5 Most Common Causes of Skin Allergies (& When to See a Dermatologist)

Skin allergies

Skin allergies occur when the skin and immune system react negatively to something otherwise harmless. Symptoms can range widely, from rashes and dry skin to bumps and hives. The seriousness of the reaction can also vary. Some cases are mild and simply a temporary bother. Others can break the skin, become a health hazard, and affect the quality of your life.

One of the most puzzling aspects of skin allergies is that they often occur later in life without warning. What are the five most common skin allergies, and when should you consider seeking the help of a dermatologist?

1. Nickel

Nickel is more commonly used than many think. It is also a significant cause of skin allergies. Nickel is often used in snaps and buttons on clothing and in jewelry manufacturing. It can be particularly problematic when it comes into direct contact with the skin for longer periods.

2. Soaps, Shampoos, and Detergents

Other common causes of skin allergies are the soaps and detergents we use daily. Soaps and shampoos are usually applied directly to the skin and often leave a film that can irritate the skin. Even detergents in washing clothes can leave a small residue that can trigger skin conditions like rashes.

3. Fragrances

Fragrances that are used or sprayed on the skin are frequent allergens. While personal colognes and perfumes are one form of fragrance, they are also used in several other products, such as deodorants, household sprays, and more. Determining a specific fragrance as the cause of a skin allergy can be a challenge to narrow down.

4. Makeup

There is a bit of irony in the fact that something we put on our face and skin can cause reactions. Lotions, creams, lipstick, eye makeup, and blemish creams are all common causes of skin allergies when they don't contain the right ingredients. While modern testing for cosmetics has improved, makeup allergies are still a significant issue.

5. Medications

Medications, especially those that contain formaldehyde, are often triggers for skin rashes. Ironically, these can include anti-itching creams and antibiotics. When seeking the help of a dermatologist, be sure to have a list of medications you use.

When to Seek the Care of a Dermatologist

Several skin rashes tend to resolve themselves over time. In certain situations, however, seeking assistance from a board-certified dermatologist is advisable. At Dermatology Treatment and Research Center, our experienced physicians specialize in clinical, cosmetic, and general dermatology. We are committed to delivering top-notch care in a warm and caring environment.

When a skin issue or rash doesn't go away, it's always best to get medical attention. If a rash covers a large portion of your body, your skin becomes infected, or when skin lesions start to leak, come see us right away.

Get Treatment for Skin Allergies in Dallas, TX

If you're dealing with skin allergies that are affecting your daily life, our skilled dermatologists can help you find the treatment and relief you seek. Schedule an appointment with Dermatology Treatment and Research Center of Dallas by calling us at 972-661-2729.